The centerfold pages clearly point at the long rifle as being the -15A and the -15S as the carbine. My source is the Star Wars: Episode III Visual Dictionary, pages 40 and 41, under the heading "Elite Clones". Where do you get "-15B" from? Is that just made up? The DC-15 comes in two varieties: the -15A model is the "long rifle" commonly used in Episode II, but still seen in Episode III the -15S model is the carbine that is the predecessor of the E-11 carbine. You people need to cite actual sources of where you are getting all these wild designations.Now I want to stop arguing, and I can see where the S would be confusing, so I guess I could change DC-15S to DC-15B - CC-1138 20:16, 6 November 2005 (UTC)

The Republic Commando website lists the pistol as the DC-15 s and the Revenge of the Sith Visual Dictionary says the carbine is the DC-15 S.

It says in Star Wars Insider #84, in the article Behind the Armor, that the carbine is in the DC-15 family.I think the best way to do the article is to make the DC-15s the pistol, DC-17 the carbine. The DC-17m is not derived from the DC-17 pistol, they just use similar parts, sort of like the DC-15A and the DC-15S - CC-1138 20:56, 5 November 2005 (UTC).Why would a carbine be derived from a pistol rather than from another carbine? The information presented makes no logical sense.Sorry I ticked you off so much, I didn't mean to be a pain in the neck - CC-1138 17:43, 2 November 2005 (UTC) Although I did speculate on how much tibanna gas a DC-15 carbine could hold. I'm sorry that I changed so much of the page, but if you check the sources I put down, most of what I put is correct.I don't appreciate people editing this article with factually incorrect information.