Medal of Honor Airborne for the Playstation 3 is one of those games that is just a great deal of fun, but the final verdict can’t be as high as I think the developers were anticipating. How do you steady the scope(Springfield sniper) rifle. Xbox live or the playstation thingy get Call of Duty 3 if you want The Mark II functions same as it's European Assault counterpart. Medal of Honor Airborne is the newest installment in EA's critically acclaimed Medal of Honor franchise, credited with pioneering the WWII FPS genre when it debuted in 1999. Medal Of Honor: Above And Beyond Has Massive Storage & Spec Requirements. This isn't a huge shock on the Wii, but considering that other Medal of Honor games for the PS2 have had online play, its omission is notable. Genesis Dreamcast Medal of Honor: Airborne is a World War II first-person shooter video game, developed by EA Los Angeles, and released worldwide on mobile phones in August 2007, on Microsoft Windows and Xbox 360 in September 2007, and on PlayStation 3 in November 2007. ↑ How to Enable True 3D sound in MoHAA - AlliedAssault.★ Novice.

For non-Creative cards see or use other wrappers. DirectSound3D Hardware Support with DSOAL for MoHAA is recommended, otherwise set to Creative Labs EAX 2 (TM) if using Alchemy. Add seta s_milesdriver with one of the options below that is supported by your sound card.Move the contents of the MOHAA folder to.Extract the archive to a temporary folder.Seta r_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" Enter the lines in the box below and save the file.Create the autoexec.cfg file if it does not exist.Open \main\autoexec.cfg in a text editor.8.6 Can't load savegames in MoH: Spearhead Addon - Mission is always starting at the beginning.8.5 Game crashes during EA logo (Origin version).8.4 Can't turn mouse more than 180° (or doesn't work properly).8.2 "GLW_StartOpenGL() - could not load OpenGL subsystem" error message on startup.8.1 Graphics settings are lost each time when starting game.